PARISH NEWS February 2025
This month, we’re doing something a little different! The Parish Council often receives questions about who is responsible for various local issues, so we’ve put together a useful guide to help you know who to contact in different situations. Whether it’s reporting a pothole, concerns about street lighting, or queries about flooding, this guide will point you in the right direction. We hope you find it helpful! Stay tuned for more details below.
Report Road and Public Land Issues
If you encounter potholes, blocked drains, mud on the road, damaged or faded road signs, public rights of way issues (footpaths / bridleways), or problems with grass, hedges, and trees on public land, please report them online to Cambridgeshire County Council using this link:
Fly Tipping
Fly-tipping should be reported to Huntingdonshire District Council online using this link:
Report Street Light Issues
For street lights, please report issues to Balfour Beatty using this link:
Report Broken or Raised Covers
If you come across broken or raised covers, please check the cover itself for ownership details. These may belong to companies such as BT or Anglian Water. You will need to contact the appropriate company based on the name displayed on the cover
Now for some general information
The Library at Home service brings books direct to your door. It is available to Cambridgeshire residents of any age who find it difficult to get to the library. This could be due to disability, illness or caring responsibilities, on a permanent or temporary basis. The service provides a monthly visit from a Library at home volunteer. They will have a chat and bring you books and audiobooks tailored to your preferences. Jigsaws can also be provided upon request. Volunteers can also bring replacement ferrules (walking stick ends) for your walking aids.
This is a free service but donations are gladly welcomed to support this valuable provision.
How can I enquire about the service?
• You can email us at to let us know why you would like to use the service. Or to ask any questions.
• You can phone our contact centre on: 0345 045 5225
• You can ask in your local library.
Cllr Ian Gardener
Chairman, Grafham Parish Council