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PARISH NEWS September 2024

The Parish Council would like to thank everyone for their support opposing the proposed closure of the Grafham to Brampton Road (Wibbly Wobbly). The Parish Council have been asked if we would put the initial communication in the Grafham Gossip so all residents are aware. Therefore, please see the letter below from the Principal Active Travel Officer, Transport Strategy & Funding Cambridgeshire County Council.


Dear Grafham Parish Councillors,

Piloting an Exemplar Quiet Way on the National Cycle Network in Cambridgeshire

I am writing to let you know of some local engagement which we will be carrying out over the next few months, hopefully leading to a trial of a “Quiet Way” along Brampton Road / Grafham Road, between Brampton and Grafham.

Sustrans, the walking and cycling charity, supported by the Department for Transport and Active Travel England, will be working with three Local Authorities in the East of England during 2024/25, to pilot and test the impact of quiet way sections on the National Cycle Network. learning will be used to influence the future implementation of quiet ways across the United Kingdom, and we would like to propose a flagship scheme in Cambridgeshire.

The National Cycle Network should be accessible for everyone and ideally traffic-free. However, where this is not viable, particularly in more rural areas, it should be on a quiet way section of road, with sufficiently low traffic speeds and flows. National Cycle Network route 12 (NCN12)  runs between London and Spalding, passing through Cambridgeshire. Unfortunately, the section along Brampton Road / Grafham Road, between Grafham and Brampton is currently categorised by Sustrans as very poor and does not meet the safety thresholds, due to excessive average speeds, and traffic volumes.

Sustrans would manage and deliver a pilot quiet way scheme, working collaboratively with Cambridgeshire County Council. The intention is to implement this on a trial basis using an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO). This is proposed to take the form of a temporary restriction for motor vehicles e.g. a bollard or a gate, which would restrict motor vehicles, but still allow access to local landowners and residents residing near the closure point. An ETRO is like a Permanent Traffic Regulation Order in that it is a legal document which imposes traffic and parking restrictions. We use ETROs to see if a scheme will work in practice. An ETRO can stay in force for up to 18 months while the effects are monitored and assessed. We welcome feedback throughout the process, however formal objections to the order must be made within the first 6 months of it coming into force.

As you will already be aware, Network Rail are closing the bridge along Brampton Road for two months this Autumn, and we would use the opportunity presented to carry out extensive traffic monitoring both before and during their road closure. This will enable us to assess whether there may be any impacts on traffic flows before we apply for an ETRO for the trial quiet way. We are aiming to start the trial restriction following completion of the bridge works.

A key component of the pilot project is community and stakeholder engagement, and Sustrans will be in contact with you in the near future to present a plan for local engagement, including surveys, letter drops, public meetings and attendance at parishcouncil meetings, in order to engage with as many local stakeholders as possible.

They will also be carrying out full traffic monitoring during the trial to understand the impact of the quiet way including any implications for adjacent and surrounding roads. They will manage the feasibility, design work and implementation and carry out monitoring and evaluation afterwards. The monitoring and engagement work will begin over the next two months, with community and stakeholder engagement focussed on late September and October 2024.

We very much hope you will support this exciting pilot project and we look forward to working with you.

Best regards


Following the meeting and recent communication by the chairman of the Parish Council to officers at the County Council, the chairman has been informed that consultation with villagers will be undertaken between the end of September and November and that no decision regarding the ETRO will be made until the consultation process has been completed and reviewed. The County Council apologies for the distress that this has caused residents.

Grafham Parish Council

The next meeting: Tuesday 1st October, 7.30pm in the village hall.