FOI Policy

Grafham PC FOI policy – June 2023

Freedom of Information

Grafham Parish Council makes the information recommended by the Information Commissioner’s Office in their Model Publication Scheme freely available on the Grafham Village website or, in certain cases, available on request.

This website includes:

Who we are and what we do, including our District and County Councillors

Meeting dates

Our activities and priorities can be found in:

Agendas and minutes of meetings

Community Action Plan

Latest Parish News

What we spend and how we spend it – PC Finance

Our policies and procedures, including:

How we make decisions

Lists and registers

The Neighbourhood Plan

Information held by the Parish Council that is not published on this website can be requested in writing ( or verbally at any of our meetings. All requests will be considered in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018, which precludes the release of certain data, e.g., personal data about individuals or commercially confidential information.

Please note

Whilst normally considered to be a public authority, in the context of the Data Protection Act 2018, Parish Councils are specifically excluded, as stated in Section 7(3) of the Act. This section of the DPA also makes clear that references in subsection (1)(a) and (b) to public authorities as defined by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 do not include Parish Councils.

Nonetheless, Grafham Parish Council is willing to assist with reasonable and specific requests for additional information that is in the public interest and not already published on our website.